Under Pressure: Finding Peace in Overwhelming Moments


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28

Devotional Thought:

Life often feels like a relentless storm. Deadlines, responsibilities, family pressures, and unexpected challenges can weigh us down until we feel like we can’t breathe. When overwhelmed, our instinct is to push harder, trying to solve everything on our own. But this often leads to deeper exhaustion and a sense of hopelessness.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus offers an invitation that cuts through the noise: “Come to me.” This simple command shifts the weight off our shoulders and onto His. Jesus doesn’t ask us to figure it all out, nor does He expect us to carry burdens that He is more than willing to bear. He simply asks us to come to Him—raw, weary, and broken.

The Bible is filled with people who felt overwhelmed:

Moses questioned his ability to lead the Israelites.

Elijah fled into the wilderness, asking God to take his life.

David cried out in desperation, feeling surrounded by enemies.

In each case, God met them in their weakness. Moses was given help, Elijah received rest and nourishment, and David found strength in worship. Their stories remind us that God doesn’t ignore our struggles. Instead, He draws near, providing rest for our souls when we surrender to Him.

Reflection Questions:

1. What pressures are you carrying right now that feel too heavy?

2. How can you intentionally come to Jesus with those burdens today?

Action Step:

Take 10 minutes to sit quietly with God. Write down the specific burdens that are overwhelming you and then pray, releasing each one to Him. Imagine placing them at the foot of the cross. Ask God to give you His rest and peace in exchange.


Lord, I feel so overwhelmed by the weight of life. Sometimes it’s hard to even take the next step. But I hear Your invitation to come to You and find rest. Help me to release my burdens into Your hands. Teach me to trust You and lean on Your strength instead of my own. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


God doesn’t expect you to handle life’s pressures alone. His rest is not just a promise but a gift, freely given when you choose to come to Him.